Last updated: March 25, 2025

The following Standards of Business Conduct apply to both Clients and Workers. All parties engaging through the Thareja AI platform are expected to uphold the highest standards of ethics, integrity, and professionalism in all interactions.


It has been a long-standing policy of Thareja Technologies Inc. (“Company”) to maintain the highest ethical standards in the conduct of Company affairs and in its relationship with customers, suppliers, employees, advisors and the communities in which our operations are located.

The purpose of this policy statement is to reaffirm the strong company commitment to the highest standards of legal and ethical conduct in its business practices, and to consolidate the various policies concerning this commitment into a single document.

Conflict of Interest

The term “conflict of interest” describes any circumstance that could cast doubt on a Worker’s ability to act with total objectivity with regard to the Company’s interest. A Worker is expected to avoid any action or involvement which could in any way compromise his or her actions on behalf of the Company.

Legal Compliance

Workers are expected to comply with all laws applicable to the business. In particular, under no circumstances shall any Worker make any unauthorized copy of computer software or of any other copyrighted product.

Confidential and Proprietary Information

The Company possesses and will continue to possess information that has been created, discovered, and developed by the Company, has been disclosed to the Company under the obligation of confidentiality, or has otherwise become known to the Company or in which property rights have been assigned or conveyed to the Company, which information is confidential to the Company and which information has commercial value in the business of the Company. All such information, except such information as is known or becomes known to the public without violation of the terms of this paragraph, is hereafter called “Confidential and Proprietary Information”. By way of illustration, but not limitation, Confidential and Proprietary Information includes customer lists, subscription lists, details of author or Worker contracts, pricing policies, financial statements, projections, marketing plans or strategies, new product developments or plans, business acquisition plans, new personnel acquisition plans, trade secrets, operation methods, software and computer programs. In addition to any other obligations of a Worker set forth in writing between the Company and a Worker during the period that the Worker is providing services to the Company or any of its affiliates, and at all times thereafter, the Worker shall keep secret and retain in strictest confidence all such Confidential and Proprietary Information. Nothing contained in this paragraph shall be deemed to prevent the Worker from utilizing his or her general knowledge, intellect, experience, and skills in connection with his or her business pursuits.

Company Property

All memoranda, notes, lists, records and other documents (and all copies thereof) made or complied by a Worker or made available to the Worker concerning the business of the Company or any of its affiliates shall be the Company’s property and shall be delivered to the Company promptly upon the termination of any consultancy with the Company or any of its affiliates or at any other time on request.

Use of Company Assets

The Company’s facilities, equipment, supplies and name must be used only for conducting Company business or for purposes properly authorized by Company management.

Solicitation of Employees

Upon leaving the Company, Worker shall not seek to solicit employees of the Company nor taken any action to persuade an employee to terminate their employment with the Company.

Entertainment, Gifts, Favors, and Gratuities

The purpose of the policy relating to entertainment, gifts, favors, and gratuities is to avoid any implication that unfair or preferential treatment will be granted or received by the Company’s employees in their course of dealing on behalf of the Company. A basic consideration should be that public disclosure would not be embarrassing to the Company or the recipient. The following guidelines are provided for the application of this policy:

  • Gifts of cash, or cash equivalents, are never permissible regardless of amount.
  • An especially strict standard is imposed on gifts, services, or consideration of any kind from suppliers. Only consideration which is deemed a common business courtesy and is of an insignificant or nominal value to the recipient will be permitted.

“Inside” Information

Canadian, U.K. and U.S. Securities regulations, which regulate transactions in corporate securities (stocks and bonds), impose severe sanctions against the use of “inside” information in the purchase and sale of securities. A Worker shall not use inside information it may obtain for the purpose of buying or selling securities or assisting others in such purchase or sale. Regulations which are designed to protect the investing public are strictly enforced, and both civil and criminal action can be taken against both the individual and company involved.

Good Citizenship

The Company accepts the responsibility to act as a good corporate citizen, and will adequately consider the community interest in its decision-making. The Company expects its Workers to act ethically in all actions relating to the Company.

Statement of Compliance - Standard of Business Conduct

1. That I have received and read the Policy Statement outlining the Company’s Standards of Business Conduct.

2. That I will observe and adhere to the principles contained in that Policy Statement, and have distributed copies of the Statement to all my appropriate representatives providing services to the Company.

This policy is part of the Thareja AI Agreement as defined in our Terms of Use.

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